At Peaceful Beginnings we use the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards as our guide to provide the framework in our classrooms to ensure the children are getting a well rounded experience. What exactly are the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards?
Based on research and supported by evidence-based practices, the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) provide a framework for families, professionals and policy makers to:
Share a common language and responsibility for the well-being of children birth to first grade.
Know and understand developmental expectations of young children.
Understand the connection among the foundations of early childhood, K-12 educational experiences, and lifelong learning.
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards specify developmental expectations for children from birth to first grade. The standards reflect attention to all domains of a child’s learning and development. The domains include:
Health & Physical Development
Social & Emotional Development
Language Development & Communication
Approaches to Learning
Cognition & General Knowledge
What are the Guiding Principles that informed the development of the standards?
All children are capable and competent.
Early relationships matter.
A child’s early learning and development is multidimensional.
Expectations for children must be guided by knowledge of child growth and development.
Children are individuals who develop at various rates.
Children are members of cultural groups that share developmental patterns.
Children exhibit a range of skills and competencies within any domain of development.
Children learn through play and the active exploration of their environment.
Parents are children’s primary and most important caregivers and educators.